Sofia, East European Arts Therapy Association
Moscow, Laboratoriа Art-terapii
East European Arts Therapy Association, periodical electronic scientific journal
devoted to research of crucial issues of theories and practices in psychology of arts and arts therapy
designed for professionals in the fields of philosophy, arts, psychology and pedagogy


Sofia, East European
Arts Therapy Association

Moscow, Laboratoriа Art-terapii
ON ART THERAPY. ISSN 2683-0159. №1 (3), 2021



East European Arts Therapy Association, periodical electronic scientific journal
devoted to research of crucial issues of theories and practices in psychology of arts and arts therapy
designed for professionals in the fields of philosophy, arts, psychology and pedagogy

Dear readers!
The 3rd edition of “Art in psychology” almanac is devoted to the results of analytical and empiric research in the frame of international scientific and philosophical project, “Ontology of self-regulation”.

For 6 months specialists from Bulgaria and Russia in the fields of ontology, phenomenology, hermeneutics, philosophy and psychology of arts, arts therapy and psychotherapy have carried out joint experiments in what way the psychic state of an individual, who permanently goes through a stressful situation, may be affected by arts (artistic images).

In the analytical research and the prolonged experiment representatives from academic schools in philosophy, science and arts have taken part. They are Doc., PhD Valeri Lichev, PhD Nikolina Deleva, PhD Liliya Sazonova, PhD Mina Spasova, PhD Snejanka Stoianova, Prof., Dr. Peter Tzanev, PhD Margarita Bozhilova-Andonova, Prof., Dr. Yevgeniy Cherniy, Prof., Dr. Viktor Samokhvalov, Prof., Dr. Alexander Andreyev, Yulia Andreyeva and the author of this article.

The goal of the research is to create and realize such approaches and forms of work with objects of arts which, on the one side, would allow a subject to express feelings and thoughts conveying destructive experiences, for example, an ambiguity state and fears. On the other side, due to creativity they would allow a person to reveal new creative possibilities to relieve stress, decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression, which are caused by uncertainty of the social process.

We strongly believe that a person who is aware of oneself and goal-seeking in search of humanistic senses is able not only to overcome hardships but in spite of deadlock is able to acquire new knowledge about oneself and the environment and become more perfect and vigorous.

There is no doubt that art is the very instrument, which can help an individual. Although the heart of art is still veiled for rational thinking, art through penetration of images into consciousness and unconsciousness is able to improve ability to deal with an aggressive environment, stimulate motivation which should lead to a better understanding who we are.

Thereby comprehending the essence of image, we are deeply penetrating into the content of our unconsciousness what cannot be identified with the language of rational logics. With closer investigation we should recognize that arts therapy is not only the approach to reduce pain and relieve stress. The artwork can be used as a fascinating game of imagination, though. However, arts therapy can provide significant insights into personal mental improvement, expansion of the mind and self-awareness.

So as reflections of our senses and feelings we are considered to be an object of research. Being born inside us, images as our unconsciousness projections what is still left something vague but intuitively recognized become the objects of our analysis and action.

On the base of the results of the first stage of research that proved efficiency of wellness influence of artistic images on holistic state of a person we have worked out a solution to initiate an international theoretical and practical laboratory, “Mental health of a person in terms of permanent uncertainty”, in the frame of which research of mental health will be carried on with arts therapy approach.

Prof., Dr. Vladimir Nikitin

Dear readers!
The 3rd edition of “Art in psychology” almanac is devoted to the results of analytical and empiric research in the frame of international scientific and philosophical project, “Ontology of self-regulation”.

For 6 months specialists from Bulgaria and Russia in the fields of ontology, phenomenology, hermeneutics, philosophy and psychology of arts, arts therapy and psychotherapy have carried out joint experiments in what way the psychic state of an individual, who permanently goes through a stressful situation, may be affected by arts (artistic images).

In the analytical research and the prolonged experiment representatives from academic schools in philosophy, science and arts have taken part. They are Doc., PhD Valeri Lichev, PhD Nikolina Deleva, PhD Liliya Sazonova, PhD Mina Spasova, PhD Snejanka Stoianova, Prof., Dr. Peter Tzanev, PhD Margarita Bozhilova-Andonova, Prof., Dr. Yevgeniy Cherniy, Prof., Dr. Viktor Samokhvalov, Prof., Dr. Alexander Andreyev, Yulia Andreyeva and the author of this article.

The goal of the research is to create and realize such approaches and forms of work with objects of arts which, on the one side, would allow a subject to express feelings and thoughts conveying destructive experiences, for example, an ambiguity state and fears. On the other side, due to creativity they would allow a person to reveal new creative possibilities to relieve stress, decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression, which are caused by uncertainty of the social process.

We strongly believe that a person who is aware of oneself and goal-seeking in search of humanistic senses is able not only to overcome hardships but in spite of deadlock is able to acquire new knowledge about oneself and the environment and become more perfect and vigorous.

There is no doubt that art is the very instrument, which can help an individual. Although the heart of art is still veiled for rational thinking, art through penetration of images into consciousness and unconsciousness is able to improve ability to deal with an aggressive environment, stimulate motivation which should lead to a better understanding who we are.

Thereby comprehending the essence of image, we are deeply penetrating into the content of our unconsciousness what cannot be identified with the language of rational logics. With closer investigation we should recognize that arts therapy is not only the approach to reduce pain and relieve stress. The artwork can be used as a fascinating game of imagination, though. However, arts therapy can provide significant insights into personal mental improvement, expansion of the mind and self-awareness.

So as reflections of our senses and feelings we are considered to be an object of research. Being born inside us, images as our unconsciousness projections what is still left something vague but intuitively recognized become the objects of our analysis and action.

On the base of the results of the first stage of research that proved efficiency of wellness influence of artistic images on holistic state of a person we have worked out a solution to initiate an international theoretical and practical laboratory, “Mental health of a person in terms of permanent uncertainty”, in the frame of which research of mental health will be carried on with arts therapy approach.

Prof., Dr. Vladimir Nikitin

Vladimir Nikitin.
Gods inside us: relationship of consciousness to body
The article is about the analysis of the results of the empirical research in which effect of images on mind’s condition of the recipients is in the focus. All of them have taken part in the prolonged study course on learning arts-therapeutic and transpersonal methods to deal with a state of stress.
In the article the indicators of encephalograms, which are fixed in the trance condition, and the content of the projective pictures are considered in respect to idiographiс issue. The interpretation of their meanings makes it possible to speak about integration of consciousness and body.
The goal of the research is that mental and physical issues present the holistic field of a person that cannot be limited with the frame of assessment of psycho-somatic characteristics. In conclusion, to define relationship between consciousness and physical body in a right way is necessary to explore both objective and metaphysical forms of individual’s manifestations.
Peter Tzanev.
Art without its own medium: the world after psychological modernism
The global COVID‑19 pandemic has raised many questions about the future syncretism between psychology and art. The article rethinks the legacy of „psychological modernism“ in the radical models of psychological aesthetics, art therapy and new genres of psychological art, which today thematize psychological categories in the context of contemporary culture.
Valeri Lichev.
Pandemic, art and the ontology of human being
The article examines the linguistic aspects of human existence and their transformations or degradation in the conditions of a forcible social isolation. Creativity is an option for dealing with the problems of loneliness. And as such it can replace the lack of interpersonal contacts. However, this would not be possible if creativity were not based on language structures, which are often ignored or neglected by some researchers.
Viktor Samokhvalov.
Deprivation stress as a factor to stimulate the creative process
In human beings’ evolution physical and mental isolation are universal factors to stimulate the imagination and the creative process. This is evidenced by the facts of the biology of behavior, clinics and creativity on social networks during the period of pandemic.
Natalia Nikitina.
Who has improved oneself has discovered the world of possibilities
In the article there is an author’s view on health and improvement issue. The author is absolutely sure that philosophical Lev Tolstoy’s ideas about life, person and the course of life are undoubtedly a set of eternal truths in essence. With all his heart did Lev Tolstoy believe and all his life did he display that a person is born to act and improve.
Alexander Andreyev, Yulia Andreyeva.
The form shows the essence
Spontaneous wellness self-regulation based on bodily-oriented therapy and art gestalt therapy

The article highlights the process of self-expression while working with clay and body. The connection between creative self-exploration and health development is demonstrated on the base of bodily-oriented therapy and gestalt therapy.
Snejanka Stoianova.
Pandemic – in search of "inner support"
through the method of artistic creation and the development of social feeling

In the article phenomen of artistic creativity is examined in respect to the art therapeutic approach. The goal of art-therapy is to help a person build an «inner support» and develop a social feeling in the process of self-affirmation by experiencing problems in life or during a pandemic.
Margarita Bozhilova-Andonova.
Imagination, will and inspiration
in the education of actors of physical theatre in the time of the pandemic

Physical Theatre is a nonverbal space where due to the rationally created poses, gestures and signs the actor’s body creates a theatrical world with the phases of its movement which are being sealed in the consciousness of the audience. The Will, the Imagination and the Inspiration are basic constructs in the actor’s creative process.
Both in creativity and in life another component, stress, has taken its place slowly but stubbornly. This component has won the role of the ultimate antagonist and it is becoming more and more an inseparable part of the human existence. Stress is a factor that can motivate or demotivate work and creative process. Its long and constant presence can lead to mental disorders and neuroses.
This threat is of current importance during the pandemic and in the accompanying it the coercive isolation.
Nikolina Deleva.
Storytelling as a therapeutic method during the pandemic
The subject of the article are the practices of storytelling, which arose in an organized and spontaneous way in the digital space during the COVID‑19 pandemic in the digital space. Their potential as a therapy and a method for self-regulation and coping with situations of vulnerability, loss, fear, loneliness, depression, isolation, has been researched.
Liliya Sazonova.
Creativity during the pandemic
The present study focuses on how national lockdowns during the pandemic stimulate the need for ordinary people to express themselves in a creative way. The aim of the study is also to explore in what way creative activities can help adults and children overcome the various adverse effects of COVID‑19 such as isolation, anxiety, fear, depression, feelings of loss and others. Methodologically, in-depth interviews are used, and the respondents are members of two social groups living in Sofia and Athens, respectively.
Mina Spasova.
The pandemic as a borderline situation
The issues we have to live and create with

In the situation of the COVID‑19 pandemic, man found himself facing a number of new trials, in which he had to rethink important life issues. I see the creative act as a giving love, a transformation in which we invest our fears, worries, our joys in order to distance them from ourselves, to look at them from the side, from a new perspective.

Editorial Council

Chief editors:
prof. Peter Tzanev (Bulgaria),
prof. Vladimir Nikitin (Russia).

Scientific editorial council:
prof. Viktor Samokhvalov (Czech),
prof. Neli Boyadzhieva (Bulgaria),
prof. Liudmila Lebedeva (Russia),
prof. Elena Sorokoumova (Russia),
prof. Nataliya Matveyeva (Russia),
PhD Shejanka Stoianova (Bulgaria),
PhD Juliana Budai (Hungary),
PhD Edith Balogh (Hungary).

Natalia Nikitina (Russia),
Julia Kostina (Russia).

Shejanka Stoianova (Bulgaria),
Natalia Nikitina (Russia).

Earliest publisher: East European Arts Therapy Association (Bulgaria, Sofia).
Corporate contributor: Laboratoria Art-terapii.
Language: Bulgarian, English, Russian.

Registration date 04.11.2019.
ISSN Centre responsible of the record: ISSN National Centre for Bulgaria. ISSN 2683-0159.

Published since November 2019. Frequency: Semiannual.

Website of East European Arts Therapy Association (ЕЕАТА):

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© East European Arts Therapy Association, 2021
© Лаборатория Арт-терапии, 2021